Etech CA - BKFRecovery 2.0

BKFRecovery (or BackupRecovery) is a data recovery software to recover files from corrupt or damaged BKF files. These files are normally restored using NTBackup.Exe.

BKFRecovery uses advanced recovery techniques to recover data from corrupted BKF files. BKFRecovery was the first recovery software ever created for recovering damaged/corupt BKF files. Most recovery service providers use BKFRecovery. (Buy from us direct for big savings!). To recover multiple BKF files in batch mode, download the BKFCLI utility by clicking here. We are designing a custom version for Veritas Storage Migrator (email us for details).

Common BKF Errors

The following is a summary of lists and transaction types converted from BKFRecovery to Quickbooks:
  • "The backup file is unusable"
  • [Unrecognized Media]. The backup file is unusable. You must erase it, or choose another file.
  • [Insert media] The fixed media is full. You cannot back up all of the specified data to this disk device. The backup operation will stop.
  • [Unrecognized Media]. The backup file contains unrecognized data and cannot be used.
  • [Backup Utility]. An inconsistency was encountered on the requested media.
  • Microsoft Access can't open or convert this previous version database.@The database was created in an earlier version of Microsoft Access. You don't have appropriate security permissions to open or convert databases created in earlier versions.
  • This database is in an unexpected state; Microsoft Access can't open it.@This database has been converted from a prior version of Microsoft Access by using the DAO CompactDatabase method instead of the Convert Database command on the Tools menu (Database Utilities submenu). This has left the database in a partially converted state.If you have a copy of the database in its original format, use the Convert Database command on the Tools menu (Database Utilities submenu) to convert it. If the original database is no longer available, create a new database and import your tables and queries to preserve your data. Your other database objects can't be recovered.
  • Jet has stopped the process because you and another user attempted to change the same data at the same time
  • Records can't be read, no read permissions


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